If you're looking to refinish your hardwood floors, you may be wondering when the best time of year to do so is. The truth is, there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The timing of your floor refinishing project will depend on a number of factors, including the climate in your area, the condition of your floors, and your personal schedule. In this article, we'll explore the pros and cons of refinishing your hardwood floors during each season and help you determine the best time of year for your project.

Factors to Consider

Before diving into the specifics of each season, it's important to consider a few factors that will impact your decision.


The climate in your area will play a big role in determining the best time of year to refinish your floors. If you live in a humid climate, for example, you'll want to avoid refinishing during the summer months when the air is likely to be more humid. This can cause the finish to dry unevenly and may result in a subpar final product. If you live in a dry climate, on the other hand, you may need to add moisture to the air during the winter months to prevent the wood from drying out too quickly.

Floor Condition

The condition of your floors will also play a role in your timing. If your floors are in relatively good condition and just need a light refinishing, you may be able to complete the project in a shorter amount of time. If your floors are in poor condition, however, you may need to sand them down to bare wood and apply multiple coats of finish, which will take longer.

Personal Schedule

Finally, your personal schedule will also impact your decision. If you have a busy schedule during the summer months, for example, you may not have the time to devote to a floor refinishing project. On the other hand, if you have time off during the winter months, you may be able to complete the project more quickly.

Best Time of Year by Season

With those factors in mind, let's explore the pros and cons of refinishing your hardwood floors during each season.



  • Mild weather conditions
  • Lower humidity levels
  • Longer days provide more natural light for the project
  • Spring cleaning can be a good time to tackle the project


  • Spring is a popular time for home renovations, which can lead to higher costs and limited availability of contractors
  • Pollen and other allergens may impact the finish of the floors



  • Longer days provide more time to work on the project
  • Warm weather can speed up the drying process
  • Outdoor work may be easier, as you can leave windows and doors open for ventilation


  • High humidity levels can cause the finish to dry unevenly
  • Hot temperatures can make the work uncomfortable



  • Cooler temperatures and lower humidity levels
  • Contractors may have more availability after the busy summer season
  • Natural light is still relatively abundant


  • Leaves and other debris may be blown into the home during the project
  • Changes in temperature and humidity levels as the weather cools may impact the finish



  • Low humidity levels make it less likely for the wood to absorb moisture
  • Contractors may have more availability
  • You may have more time off during the holiday season to work on the project


  • Cold temperatures may make the work uncomfortable
  • Dry air may cause the wood to dry out too quickly

Ultimately, the best time of year to refinish your hardwood floors will depend on a number of factors, including the climate in